Object Head Detail – Government Of Rajasthan : All types of expenditure have been described separately under the government’s effort to bring uniformity in all types of work related to all its departments. With this, how much amount has been spent on all items. Its information and information could also remain with the government. Object Head has been constructed keeping all these requirements in mind. Earlier all these items used to be offline. At the present time all online pay manager has been taxed. Today, the government can see the details of all items with one click.
If you want to know in detail about paymanager how to prepare salary bill etc. then click next – Click Here
Sr. No. | Object Head | Code |
1 | Other | 00 |
2 | Salary | 01 |
3 | Wages | 02 |
4 | TA | 03 |
5 | Medical | 04 |
6 | Office Expenses | 05 |
7 | Purchase of new vehicle | 06 |
Sr. No. | Object Head | Code |
8 | Running & maintenance of vehicle | 07 |
9 | Professional & special services | 08 |
10 | Rent, Rate & Taxes / Royalties | 09 |
11 | Publication Expenses | 10 |
12 | Advertisement, Sale & public Expenses | 11 |
13 | Grant in Aid | 12 |
14 | Scholarship & Stipend | 13 |
15 | Sumptuary / Entertainment / Gift Exp. | 14 |
Sr. No. | Object Head | Code |
16 | Secret Service Expenses | 15 |
17 | Minor Works | 16 |
18 | Major Works | 17 |
19 | Machine & Equipment / tool & plans | 18 |
20 | Electricity & water charges | 19 |
21 | Running & Maintenance of Functional vehicle | 20 |
22 | Maintenance & Repair | 21 |
23 | Materials & Supplies | 22 |
24 | Interest &Dividends | 23 |
25 | Pension & Gratuity | 24 |
Sr. No. | Object Head | Code |
26 | Depreclation | 25 |
27 | Write off / Losses | 26 |
28 | Suspense | 27 |
29 | Miscellaneous Expenses | 28 |
30 | Training, Tours & Conference Expenses | 29 |
31 | Function & exhibitions | 30 |
32 | Expenses on Library & Periodicals | 31 |
33 | Laboratory Expenses | 32 |
Go to Finance Department Official Website : Click Here
please Add Object Head of Leave Encashment Retirement